Tuia Pito Ora - He Whakaahua
The final component of NZILA’s 50th anniversary celebrations is out. Tuia Pito Ora - He Whakaahua is the book created to mark this important milestone and is now available.
As NZILA President Henry Crothers writes, the book provides a summary of the development of the profession of landscape architecture in Aotearoa and “outlines the significant events leading up to, enabling the formation of and celebrating the achievements of Tuia Pito Ora New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects.”
Tuia Pito Ora - He Whakaahua.
He writes, “Being a small part of this book project has been enlightening and informative. Providing a broader understanding of the roots of the profession in Aotearoa and its subsequent evolution.”
Founding NZILA President Tony Jackman wrote the foreword to the book. He remembers “the days months and years that led to the inception of NZILA were full of hard graft, but rewarding, too, for what we were able to achieve.
The book has just been published.
The book’s introduction begins with words from the man many consider the father of landscape architecture in Aotearoa, Charlie Challenger. “I was absolutely overwhelmed with this sight of what landscape architecture could be.”
He was speaking about his sabbatical trip from the then Lincoln College to Sweden where he went on a fact finding mission ahead of setting up the country’s first landscape architecture course.
“It’s from that that the whole of the landscape architecture in New Zealand has sprung,” he went on to say.
The book provides a summary of the development of the profession of landscape architecture in Aotearoa.
The team behind Tuia Pito Ora - He Whakaahua set out to provide a snapshot of the profession and its progression.
Henry Crothers writes in the book’s afterword “ Looking forward we still have much to do. As landscape architects we have a unique vantage point from which to tackle the issues and challenges of climate change, resilience and inclusivity.
“Perhaps more than any other profession landscape architecture supports and can embrace the principles of Te Ao Māori. We have the opportunity through our own practices, and through our partnership with Ngā Aho and Te Tau-a-Nuku, to define and implement a uniquely Aotearoan practice that celebrates this. Two cultures, one landscape.”
The Institute once again thanks the sponsors who made this publication possible. You can see more about them here.
Copies of Tuia Pito Ora - He Whakaahua can be purchased for $45 (plus postage and packaging and GST) by emailing our NZILA administration team.
Tuia Pito Ora - He Whakaahua sets out to provide a broader understanding of the roots of the landscape architecture profession in Aotearoa.