Happy World Landscape Architecture Month

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April is World Landscape Architecture Month. The initiative (WLAM) was established by the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) and is designed to celebrate landscape architect-designed public and private spaces.

This year’s theme is “growing together and ASLA says it wants to “highlight how the spaces landscape architects create promote and facilitate people growing together with each other & with nature.”


We asked Tony Milne of Rough and Milne and the new NZILA Advocacy Panel how he believed the theme of Growing Together could be applied well here in Aotearoa.

Milne says “as landscape architects we create places and it is those places that the community and people can come together in … and grow together.”

He also says it is apt for the NZILA as it heads towards its May conference in Tauranga where the theme is Radical Reorientation Te Rangitāmiro.

You can see much more from Tony Milne on WLAM2021 in the video below.