Government to fund temporary cycleways
The Government will provide extra funding to help councils expand footpaths and roll out temporary cycleways to help people keep two metres of physical distance after the Alert Level 4 lockdown, Associate Minister of Transport Julie Anne Genter has announced.
“When people begin to return to city centres following the lockdown we want them to have enough space to maintain physical distance,” said Genter.
A temporary cycleway in Federal St, central Auckland. Image credit: Bike Auckland
“Some of our footpaths in busy areas are quite narrow. Temporary footpath extensions mean people can give each other a bit more space without stepping out onto the road.”
Funding will come from the Innovating Streets for People pilot fund, part of a wider programme that supports projects using ‘tactical urbanism’ techniques such as pilots and pop-up, interim treatments that make it safer and easier for people walking and cycling in the city.
Planter boxes at Queens Wharf in central Auckland. Image credit: Greater Auckland.
“Footpath extensions would use basic materials like planter boxes and colourful paint to carve out a bit more space in the street for people walking, like we’ve seen on High street and Federal street in Auckland,” said Genter.
“A number of cities around the world, including New York, Berlin and Vancouver, have rolled out temporary bike lanes to provide alternatives to public transport, which people may be less inclined to use in the short term.”
Cycle lane in St Lukes, Auckland.
Councils can apply now for funding from the NZ Transport Agency, who will cover 90 percent of the cost of rolling out temporary changes to the streetscape. But while planning for the projects can start now rollout won’t happen while the country remains at Alert Level 4, Genter said.